My Favorite Sports Movies: Baseball
These movies are listed in no particular order, but reflect my favorite sports movies focusing on this particular sport. Baseball is one of my least favorite sports, so it's kind of funny how much I love movies about it. So, here we go...
Bad News Bears (2005)
Probably one of my favorite movies that my family loves to watch together. Most movies featuring kids being rude, aggressive and vulgar were a surefire way to get my dad in an all-out laughing fit. The rivalry between Tanner and Engelberg was one of the funniest things to me. I could only dream of saying the kinds of things they would, however I had the sense not to try out any new insults at school, lest I bear the wrath of my parents. Amanda Whurlitzer was also a lowkey role model to me. I didn't like her attitude and thought her acting was sub-par even at my young age, but I loved the idea of her doing something that boys do and being better at it. I was just that kind of kid.
Major League II
Once again, an absolutely hilarious movie that is a staple in my household. Most of my favorite sports movies are loved because of their comedy and this one is no different. Even to this day, my family and I find ourselves quoting this movie. Whether it's the enlightened one-liners from Cerrano or "!", there's no way a movie about an objectively awful baseball team somehow making it to the World Series couldn't NOT be hilarious.
Now this isn't a comedic addition. Clearly. Chadwick Boseman (may he rest in peace) was one of my favorite actors. He was like a chameleon, the way he could play so many roles. And it's crazy how many legendary Black figures he played in film: Thurgood Marshall, James Brown, and in 42, Jackie Robinson. These are the kinds of movies that I can only watch but so often because of how frustrated or angry I may get. The story of Jackie Robinson really was not long ago and many people don't seem to understand that. But alas, it was a story that was beautifully told by Chadwick Boseman's performance.
The Sandlot
Now I couldn't talk about baseball movies without mentioning The Sandlot. A bonafide classic. Consistently placed among the ranks of best sports movies. With some of the funniest moments and lines, you can never go wrong with The Sandlot. Though the vomit scene has me scarred to this day and the sight of it makes nauseous instantly. This movie almost made me want to play baseball when I was younger. Almost. It definitely made me want to find a random group of kids in my neighborhood, unfortunately my mom wasn't down with me spending hours outside the house doing God knows what. The crush I had on Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez also certainly contributes for my affinity for this movie.
"You're KILLING me, Smalls!"
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